Watch this video to find out why Jewish students are so successful in leadership, their school studying and even university admission and how our educational paradigm has to be remodeled.
Debate is absolutely enjoyable and tremendously beneficial especially in many ways.
Here are words / videos that New Era debaters have to testimony their experience.
New Era Debate Interview - Stephanie -1 Year experience -Tournaments - Golden Gnome Top Speaker* -UBC Hight School - 4th Speaker -ITOC -Regionals
An impressive Student Portfolio
There are few things that can compare with the portfolio-building power of debate. Competitive debaters begin developing impressive accomplishments within their life-experience that universities recognize. Through debate, students gain opportunities to receive prestigious and sometimes international experience while building the attitudes they need to flourish in post-secondary education. Debate is a must-have for easy admissions.
Daniel interview on debate benefit dramatically improving his essay writing skill as debate develop his critical thinking skill , matters, and logical thinking skill.
Essays writting
Using debate as the ultimate medium for though, students will master the essay structure to prepare them for university life and beyond. Constant writing and research projects will have students prepared for even the most demanding of academic expectations. Younger students will get an immense academic advantage by understanding how to write persuasive and argumentative papers years before their classmates, excelling them academically in the short term and professionally in the long term.
Uploaded by NewEra on 2010-06-08.
Luciano confessed that debate is awesome and so much fun in a very confident manner. Later, he became one the top debater in Canada and represent Canada competing 2016 World School debate Championship in Stuttgart. Team Canada won 2nd place there
Personal Confidence
Nothing inspires fear like the word public speaking. Everyone will at one point need to speak in public, either a work presentation, presenting a PowerPoint presentation to the class, or even just telling a story to a large group of people over dinner. We've all been put on the spot at some point. Nothing promotes a positive and genuinely excited attitude towards these opportunities like debate. Students of NEA Debate quickly over-come their fears and utilize their skills acquired to excel in whatever venue they desire, especially the highly competitive careers that are most frequently desired by students.
New Era Interview - Otto -Maple Ridge Debate Club -Co-Caption of Debate Club -1 year experience -3rd Team: Golden Gnome Tournament -UBC Hight School Tournament -2nd place team -2nd Speaker: Maple Ridge Tournament, International Tournament of Champions(ITOC), Regionals
Otto admits that debate helps him building not only essay writing but more focus and efficient study skill.
Time management, focus and more efficiency
Time-management is the single greatest skill that debate can develop because it does it so effectively and in an exciting atmosphere of competition. After a week of competitive debating at our institutes or camps, students will gain an entire new appreciation for organization and scheduling that may even result in tidier bedrooms if not more structured daily schedules.
Research & study skills
New Era Debate Interview of Kiersten -1 year experience Tournaments include: 7th place out of 160 at Regionals Provincials Fraiser Heights - 3rd team. Her debate experience helps her to think more clearly, improve his study / even her short story.
Research & reading skills are without a doubt the hardest habits to develop within university if a student is unfamiliar with long term study projects. The problem many Canadian students face is that they are able to get good if not fantastic grades without truly challenging themselves (sound familiar?). This characteristic might sound like a gift at first but once a student is thrown into a highly challenging setting of a quality university, they will be unfamiliar with how to motivate and handle themselves for tasks that require hours of research and reading. That's where NEA debate & speech works best. We challenge our students to push beyond a school's expectations and motivate them to spend those hours hitting the books for debate competitions and assignments. The beauty and truly unique factor of NEA debate & Speech is that students don't feel burdened by the work but actually enjoy preparing for their competitions and events.