Debate Awards
2020 Debate Awards
2019 Debate Awards
Extra 2019 Accolades
Educational history
Over decade, New Era debaters have been enjoying debate / public speaking competitions like their favorite sports. Here are some footprints they truly enjoyed and get benefited from:
debating / Speech competitioN
Debate / public competition is very enjoyable and beneficial in many ways.
Proudly, all New Era debaters had so much fun in various debate / speech events:
1. Local tournaments
2. Oversea tournaments
3. Official debate tournament
Debate/speech camp
New Era Debate / Public camp is geared toward building matters / contents training, debate strategies, public speaking skill, critical thinking skill and all necessary debate skills intensively in very fun ways. New Era had been hosting camps since 2004:
1. Local debate/speech camp.
2. New Era oversea camps.
3. International camps
UNIVERSITY admission
Nowadays, University admissions are extraordinarily getting competitive.
Debate passion and achievement is highly appreciated during any university admission process.
Most of successful students have to demonstrate their qualification, passion and initiative to get in.
Although most university admission insist the holistic assessment, the process favours students with real initiative, passion and learning process from debate.
New Era debaters have been accepted from top ranking universities with lots of scholorship award.